Since I was very young, my family exposed me to art. I loved creating anything I could but I didn't really try photography until I was 11 when I borrowed my moms camera for a field trip. I took pictures of all my friends/class and where we went and started falling in love. I saved up money to buy my own camera and started a photography account on Instagram.
Since then I've gotten a different camera, and my style has changed and progressed so much. I still, being pretty young, have only photographed my friends and never models so i am even more connected to each photo, I also style everything. I gain inspiration from my atmosphere and all the little things around me. I am also in love with fashion and magazines (I tear them apart and make collages and artwork). I love working with movement and the way wind moves clothing or hair.
These past years have been full of ups and downs, new experiences, and both self discovery and doubt.
I've always liked the concept of art making you feel something; and art/photography has always made me feel something but I can never pinpoint what emotion that is. I've come to think and hope to portray in my own work that it's not really a feeling so much as a place or a dream like state of mind/escape from reality that people need.
Shot on a disposable camera with 400 film
Model- Amy
Model- Amy
This series (as the title similarly portrays) depicts a feeling of oneness with the air and breath and feeling equal to the earth. The beautiful location (Vasquez Rocks), how the clothing started mimicking the clouds and wind, and the willingness of the model all helped to shape this vision.
follow Kendra on instagram @rellleum to see more of her photos