"Best Party Ever: The Nude Party at Newport Music Hall" by Tricia Stansberry

March 23, 2019

The first time I saw The Nude Party was in a small club in Columbus, Ohio called Rumba Cafe, which holds maybe 100 people. It was of the most memorable shows I have been to, at first because I was struck by the sheer amount of people in the band (seven, including one touring musician) and then later by the community that exists between TNP fans. The community is so amazing, I met people at that show that I still keep in contact with! As soon as that show was over last October, I was desperate to see The Nude Party again.

I was lucky that The Nude Party were going to make it back to Columbus a mere four months after the first show, supporting Dr. Dog on their nationwide tour. They were playing at Newport Music Hall, which is significantly larger than the venue I saw them at previously. As the stage started to take shape, topped off with an large illuminated boot featuring their band name (something they should totally add to their merch table, because I’d totally buy one. The Nude Party: if you’re reading this, take note), I became more and more excited to see this amazing band.

As the members walked onto to the stage, they opened with “Water On Mars.” Shaun Couture and Alec Castillo provide backing vocals to lead singer Patton Magee. Patton’s voice recalls rock n roll pioneers Jim Morrison and occasionally Lou Reed. The band’s sound is heavily inspired by 60s psychedelic rock while still keeping a foot in 21st century indie.

The musicianship displayed with all of the members (rounding out the band are Austin Brose, Connor Mikita, and Don Merrill) is quite a sight to see, especially during heavily instrumental songs like “Astral Man.” The band makes use of bongos, keyboards, and steel guitars, which all give them a very full, comprehensive sound. The band got the crowd moving with feel-good song “Feels Alright” and then mellowed them back out with slow-moving “Records,” in which Magee croons “I don’t need your love, I just need my records.”

As the show continued on, the crowd was lucky to hear a new unreleased song mixed in with tracks taken from their 2018 debut self-titled album. They ended the night with fan favorite “Chevrolet Van,” a fun tune that hyped up the crowd for the headlining band Dr. Dog.

The Nude Party have quickly became one of my favorite bands, and if you get the chance to see them, I totally recommend doing so! You won’t regret it.

Follow Tricia on Instagram to see more of her work.

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