Editors' Letter

February 1, 2017

(photo + graphic by Zoë Bridgwater)
We are so excited for this month and can't wait for everyone to see what has been submitted!

So far, this year has been a mix of emotions and in response to all the incredible unification going on we wanted to acknowledge that February is Black History Month as we're sure you're aware of, so we'd greatly appreciate you sending in things inspired by this or recent protests. Although we don't have themes it's important to not let this go unnoticed. That being said, we are always open to what you have to send in, whether that be writings, paintings, digital art, photos, etc.! Our email is: dissolvingfilmmagazine@gmail.com.

We want Dissolving Film to be a safe space for everyone to share their work and be noticed!

Much Love,
ZBridgwater + Zoey Martinez (zb + zm)